Cotton Bags are widely being used as reusable bags.  They are an ideal form of alternative to plastic bags due to being sustainable, biodegradable, and long-lasting.  However, simply using a tote bag will not make our planet more sustainable.  It is more important how we can utilize the tote bag to make this planet more sustainable one step at a time.  A cotton bag can be made in the form of a tote bag with handles and a drawstring bag.  This blog focuses on adapting a sustainable lifestyle by using cotton bags to have a positive impact on the environment we live in.

Use Muslin Bag for all your Greens and Produce. 

It is easy to find a reusable bag for common grocery items but when it comes to produce you will find stores rely heavily on plastic produce bags which are poisonous to our environment ending up right in the landfills after short-term use.  A Muslin drawstring bag is made of muslin fabric, a very light grammage of cotton with a loose weave.  Despite the low grammage of cotton fabric, these bags are very strong.  Using a Muslin Drawstring bag for regular grocery store visits would free up significant plastic from our environment.

Bring Your Own Bag

Your cotton bag should be carried everywhere you go.  Pack Point International is a bulk wholesale cotton bag manufacturer.  It is a good practice to always have a tote bag handy in your car, or even for your purse.  Cotton bags can be easily folded and put in your pocket for convenience.  Bringing your cotton bag to all your go-to places such as grocery stores, and shopping malls, is a great way to utilize your cotton bag.  Keep a cotton bag for everyone in the family, if there 5 members in the family make sure all 5 bring their bags everywhere they go to significantly reduce the use of plastic bags. 

Suggest Cotton Bags to Your Friends Circle

As humans, it’s natural for us to recommend the best products to our friend circle.  Promoting reusable bags to your friends or even giving out extra tote bags for free is a great motivation to have your friends use reusable bags.  Due to the multiple uses of Cotton and Canvas Tote bags, they can be used as beach bags, grocery bags, travel bags, and more.  It is good to educate your friends on the benefit of reusable bags is linked to multiple uses and the more time they use and incorporate it in their daily life the higher chance it will positively impact our environment. 

Use Tote Bags as a Gifting Tool

Did you know gift wrap is made of plastic and makes up around 25 % of plastic in our landfills come holiday time?   Just take a stroll through the garbage trash cans in your neighborhoods after Christmas you will know what we are talking about.  It is impossible to recycle gift wraps as it barely provides any utility once it’s used landing straight in the trash can and then after in the landfills.  We can slide a gift box into a tote bag and wrap the tote up with a red ribbon across the tote bag.  This is just one of many tote bag gift ideas.  

Concluding Remarks

We should all focus on what makes a tote bag more sustainable and the number of times it is reused.  We should focus on reusing it and encouraging others to use it to minimize or eliminate the use of plastics.  Plastic in any form is poisonous to the environment, to sea animals, to landfills, and more.  Pack Point International manufactures and exporters thousands of tote bags in a month and we want to ensure tote bags that are distributed are used for maximum sustainability of the planet. 



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